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ballstothewall Moderator

in reply to Dragirby (Discord & Goat Dad's Waifu)

Yeah well fuck those guys. Scientists recently found there are no significant or easily discernible chemical differences between male & female brains, but gender dysphoria is still very much a real condition (and rightly considered so). In other words trans is a legit thing but the reasons for it are still probably very misunderstood & may be the fault of society more than anything else. There is also credence to the "gender is a spectrum" thing which I fully believe.

However when special snowflakes come at me with their otherkin and made up fifth genders bullshit, I will call them on it, as they are making it more difficult for the real gender dysphoric people to be taken seriously.


in reply to TheLaughingMan

Every time I hear/read someone say that gays choose to be homosexual it always reeks to me as disingenuous. That would mean that the person saying this could, by sheer force of will, switch to being gay himself. I certainly don’t think I could start liking men no matter how hard I try, but anyone who says others do it all the time means he thinks he could too.
So now that you say this, TheLaughtingMan, I get a chance to ask this directly: Do you think you could start loving the penis? Could you decide to make yourself look at a guy with rock hard abs and think, “oh yeah, he’s hot, I’d so let him ram my anus,” by willpower? In a way that breasts no longer do anything for you and you can only get hard by looking at a man. Real question.


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