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Dioxin Jimmy
Dioxin Jimmy

Did they let a Tumblrina write this hock? He's basically saying that he wants her (the one who socked him, I imagine) to stay a positive role model, to be the best version of herself as she can be.
But it's written to be so preachy, like "I'm the villain and I'm out to control you."

THEN they have Wonder Woman, one of the pinnacles of super-heroins, bravery, respect, beauty and the rest, abandon all respect and dignity by throwing out one of the most offensive and overused buzzwords in the feminist vocabulary (outside of the swears).

THEN they had the woman who did not want to stay true to herself straight up punch the guy because she didn't like what he was saying, which given the reaction was likely the truth. All while the butch-punk eggs it on with condescending remarks.

DC, shame on you.


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