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in reply to Sanosky

Yeah, but very few mons get benefits from it, and most of them are ice-type, which is the worst defensive type in the game, barely resisting itself (I used to lose matches by using logic thinking bug, grass and water would be resisted, but then I checked again the type matchups and got sad).

Seriously, I get the benefits of STAB, but on offense ice is so overpowered you don't even need STAB or a strong stat to pose a threat (just put boltbeam on Nidoking for example)… unless you were an ice-type. If your mon isn't something straying away from the norm, it's very likely that your ice-type is slow, frail and plagued with a 4x weakness that's probably covered by a priority move.

So yeah, just immunity to hail damage isn't enough. It could do something like Sandstorm does to rock-types to patch their defensive holes.


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