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Steven Universe - You could have been me. And what are you instead?

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in reply to Pearl: crystal gem

I am not claiming jasper is a person to aspire to. Just that she represents the self that amethyst kind of wishes she had become, if only physically.

Also, don't get sappy with the reply. And I am not sure you can necessarily claim that bigoted wife beaters don;t have friends. Just that those friends tend to be bigoted wife beaters. Terrible people can find stuff in common to. That is how lynching happens.

I would personally focus on the fact that Jasper just up and randomly decided to start attacking the crystal gems. It isn't like she is indicating a desire to call home, like peri. The last thing we saw her doing (…that wasn't preparing for this attack) was getting rejected by lapis. Honestly, I think she is over compensating by indulging in 'what quartz are supposed to do- fighting' in order to cover for her inability to do what she truly desires (become Malachite) and to keep herself from losing her sense of identity and becoming lost. So she has plenty of actual, up front psychological problems that are presenting major issues with her actions and way of life at the moment. Plenty of direct things to attack without getting into the vaguer platitudes of Saturday morning messages. I hope we can get to something juicier than that when we are talking about 1/2 of the literal physical manifestation of domestic violence.


…fun to see the living embodiment of your insecurities. The you that you always wanted to be. The you that lost some weight, got ripped, won the big game, went to lawschool, and married a supermodel before having 2.5 kids.


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