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Joker - All it takes it's just one bad day.

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Raul Satisacro
Raul Satisacro

in reply to Raul Satisacro

The first half hour is crap. Is well animated but is crap. And it feels like a different story that just put it together so the movie could be longer, but it's an unnecesary and really bad filler. It's Batman and Batgirl trying to take down a mobster who's infatuated with Batgirl. There's a climax where in the middle of a discussion Batman and Batgirl have sex. Yes, they went there. It was creepy the whole thinking of that on the DCAU but now it got way creepier. At the end they capture the guy but Batgirl quits because she was on the edge of breaking the rules. Sadly, it wouldn't matter because the next weekend…

You get the idea. After that The Killing Joke begins, is the comic you have read tons of times brought to life (with some minor changes) with the best Batman in bussiness and the greatest Joker of all time. But is the first part that, for me and a lot of people, ruined the movie.


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