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RWBY - RWBYonicle: Play Well

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The Doom Slayer
The Doom Slayer

Why do RWBY and Bionicle seem like such a good combo? It doesn't make sense! I think I need to do some research…

ten minutes later

Okay, this is what I have so far…
-Both are 3D animated series
-Both involve teams with heavy emphasis on coloration
-Both have team members with various unique individual powers (Semblances and Kanohi Masks)
-Both involve fighting off evil creatures of the shadows (Grimm and the Makuta)
-Both involve intricate and borderline nonsensical weaponry
-Both place heavy emphasis on teamwork and companionship
-Both have a red team leader
-Both have large, adventure-friendly worlds with multiple pockets of civilization
-Both have philosophical and borderline religious motifs applied to things (Mata Nui and Dust)
-Both are fucking awesome.

I think that covers it. What'd I miss?


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