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Yeah people blame those things for Japan's decrease in birthrate, and is not that, in truth otaku culture is a minority over there, also Japanese are still fucking (love hotels are in an all tie high). Reason why birth rate is down is that Japanese culture makes life extremely hard for a pregnant woman (in a nutshell), and the father if he decides to provide for his family, so couples are just not even bothering.


in reply to Theundead

I agree, this should be taken to account. There is so much dedication to time for the life of a salaryman in Japan. In some cases, businesses being built mostly in small central cities can cause living out of the metropolitan 4 hours of travel each day for some. Life is very competitive so if your not giving your all at work or spending time after hours, drinking with the boss which is encouraged, your missing out. Everyone including women may be socialized to be competitive and this can cause extra stress for some men.

This is the stuff that makes otaku culture, not visa-versa.
People may not think about this before saying they wish they were Japanese.


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