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Star Trek - The Particular Moment You Understand What the Word "Fuck" Is For

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Having not seen any Star Trek, I still know about the stereotype of humans in Sci-Fi as being whacky and incredibly unpredictable. It's actually a really positive way of looking at humans, too. If you think about it, that's how we are now. When Russia sent it's first probe into space, humanity's first probe at that, the US was just like, "Fuck it, we're going to the MOON." And nobody questioned it. Heck, today, our best method of finding out what smaller things are inside of slightly less-smaller things is by SMASHING THE TWO SMALL THINGS TOGETHER AT NEAR-LIGHT SPEED AND HOPING IT DOESN'T FORM A BLACK HOLE.

Nothing has changed.

Orange Circle
Orange Circle

"Well, sir, we have room in the budget for another bank of phasers or a third failsafe on the warp core."

"So, what you're telling me is that if we go down to just one failsafe on the warp core, we can have two more banks of phasers?"


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