Now I wish Blizzard released a full Gency romance novel just to piss them all off. | Overwatch | Know Your Meme
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2073 Views Created 7 years ago By Krupam the Oldfag • Updated 6 years ago

Created By Krupam the Oldfag • Updated 6 years ago

@ Michael Chu Ok now that I have calmed myself it's time for a serious feed-back. I know you are the head writer and that you are in charge of the lore but consider this. We have lore-releases every 3 months, and even then it's not about every character, but only a select few. The gap between the lore releases gets filled by the creative fandom, which largely consists of shippers. In those 6 months, people have written the characters. They have made them their own because Blizzard only gave us a few informations and we went hog- wild with it. We created relationships, friendships, rivalries, comedies tragedies, theories, etc. We created background-stories, in-depth character meta, and all that stuff And the fandom as a collective has decided on the mainstream ships for every character based on what we know from our heroes. We are your target audience. We are the people that you write for, and honestly? Trying to sink the two most popular femslash pairings is a bad idea, from a business PoV and from a writer's PoV Do you honestly think that Pharmercy shippers will stay once we have to endure Gency in the canon lore AND in the game? No. Korrasami comes back this year, we will leave OW behind and leave a large hole when it comes to fanart, fanfictions, and presence on social media. This has happened so many times and it's called the gay migration. It's a thing, trust me And do you think that Gency fans will fill in the hole in content that gets left behind? Nope. Gency is ¼ the size of Pharmercy. It's not nearly as popular and there are many ethic issues with the pairing that it's awkward and forced With all those voice lines and lore-hints, it still doesn't even remotely compare to Pharmercy. The fans that keep the fandom alive by creating content have collectively decided on this dynamic. It's something we have written together and something that was born out of our love for those characters and the potential we see in them. I am not saying you have to make Pharmercy canon, no. All thatI am saying is that there is no shame in listening to the fandom and respecting their decisions. What purpose does it serve to keep trying to push this ship that is unpopular and only pisses the large majority of people off? What do you get out of it other than drama? Wouldn't it be more beneficial to somehow include the fandom in the storywriting process? The characters are trademarked by Blizzard, but they are ours as well. You want us to love them, to like them, and we do, but you have left them alone long enough for us to come up with what they are supposed to be by ourselves. WE have written them for 6 months, that has to mean something PS: And I guess Sombra stole our vocie lines
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The "gay migration" thing almost makes me believe that this whole thing is actually a parody.
But then, it never is with Tumblr.

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