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in reply to Astatine, Resident Hijab Enthusiast

Man I feel bad upvoting this on accident.

Listen I get that you want to be moderate or whatever but it's disingenuous as hell to imply that colonialism itself benefited societies. Yes it did introduce industrialism to some countries but that's like saying the technological advancements achieved through WWII made the war good. Colonialism is the reason why so many african countries are troubled now, why WWI and II happened, and why we have so much cultural baggage now. Colonialism resulted in bullshit lines being drawn in countries grouping together rival tribes and separating friendly ones.

And I wanted to not come out the gate showing how I felt but I don't think people think he's a turbo fascist. He's just acting like one and hanging out with the fascist set.

Also the whole "only white countries can't protect their culture" is bullshit too because Japan is (rightfully so) getting shit for how bad their immigration laws are.

So yeah


you can only say colonization was a net benefit for the third world nations if you just decide that it would have been impossible for those nations to get to where they are now or even be a better overall country without being taken over by a European country. And unless you happen to be able to see the mulitverse, that is pretty fucking debatable at the least.

I mean, if a country after colonization is still shitty enough to still in 2017 be called a "third world" country then i dont know if anyone should be asking for a "thank you for colonizing us" card. Thats like going to your neighbor, beating the shit out of them, then vacuuming up their living room and expecting them to be grateful.

and absolutely no one is saying you cant protect your white culture, though you lose me personally when you call it "white culture" and not english or irish or american or whatever country you come from and instead base it on skin color, because what culture is "white" culture exactly if not a country's culture? Frankly the only issue ive seen otherwise is taking down the confederate flag on government property and considering that is literally the flag of traitors to the united states of america, i think they have been pretty fucking lenient on the matter overall.


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