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Honestly even without considering the fact that tons and tons of Mexicans have said that they like the outfit, and without considering the fact that OP decided that Mexicans were offended without hearing their opinion, it’s still fucking stupid to complain about this stereotype.

Is the brightly colored poncho/sombrero mariachi party guy a Mexican stereotype? Yes, it is. That is to say, it’s a very condensed expression of the products of a culture. A “Theme-Park Version”, as TV Tropes would put it. It doesn’t imply discrimination, hate, negativity, or marginalization of Mexicans in anyway. It’s just a really simplified use of specific iconography that says “Mexico”. What did you expect, a detailed fucking history lesson…from a Mario game? You might as well argue that Mario himself is offensive to plumbers because his outfit is a plumber stereotype.

Also, I agree with the British guy. Bowler hat and monocle Mario sounds hilarious and awesome. A lot of the outfits they’ve shown off are things he’s worn in other games, so as an American I hope one of them is his cowboy outfit from Mario Party 2.


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