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> (That feeling whether you want to fuck it or not and decided to analyze the situation)
> . . .
> It's Humanoid? Yes.
> It's the opposite gender of you? Yes.
> Does it have same features of human biology? Well, some of it then yes.
> Can it speak the same language as you? Let say he/she do, then yes.
> Is it horny(Not physically horny)? Yes? I mean Yes!
> Does it have Sharp teeth? Yes.
> Do you love Sharp teeth? A mixed of Yes and No.
> The Last question of the analysis, Is it attractive to your liking? Hell Yeah!

> Is it T H I C C? Yes and is more like…
Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

The Cacodemon in the older games were probably the only demons I'd call "kinda cute" because they're just a floating round ball with a face, and the face ain't even scary looking. Hell you can buy an official cacodemon plush toy based on the Doom 1 and 2 design and it's adorable. So yeah if any demon from Doom was gonna get the "cute monster girl" treatment, cacodemon makes the most sense to me.


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