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LittleChiveOfFuckery Cebolinhadaputalia
LittleChiveOfFuckery Cebolinhadaputalia

in reply to BraveSirJimOfLawl

The Church of satan don't belive in the modern deceptions of Satan, they belive in the original deciption of Lucifer as a fallen angel who was right about the darkness of humanity and the
necessity of middle ground between good and evil, and for being proven right was punished by hurting the Ego of a tyrant and hypocritical God.

As the new testament poses God as a being of all good, while the original said that he was not all good or evil, but just proud and powerfull being worthy of reverence and fear. In the Church of Satan, the devil can be seem as a rebel who sees making by what making is, and that the mainstream perception of "good" and the new testament just is propaganda to keep people in the hands of a evil God, as Satan wants to make people's life easier with magic and science, like Prometheus, who stole the fire of the gods to make the life of mankind better and in the end was punished for this.

Luficifer is seem as the bringer of light, inteligence (as seem in the apple he gave to Eve) and freedom. Going to Hell is joining the army of Lucifer to fight in his side, not a punishment, as being put in hell was originally a punishment to Lucifer and Lucifer alone, and in the end of times the gates of hell and heaven will open, and both sides will fight for earth

Monster Kid
Monster Kid

Friendly reminder that Satanism isn't actually that much about worshiping Satan himself, it's more about the opposite of the Christian church, a reactionary movement… honestly the tenants are pretty nice if you look them up. but man, that name is really fucking hard to get past. even if you play SMT games…


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