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Seriously, it's not difficult! Decide a set time to run your season (Your entire season, not just a tiny part of it), run it and then go back to hiatus while you're animating the next season, if you haven't used the previous run time as a head start!

I'd be much happier with an entire season consistently running one episode a week for about 6 months, which would make 24 episodes, have a six month break and do another six months of airing (But since it's 11 minutes per episode and not 22 minutes, it should only be treated as 12 episodes, which would be just over the same amount of work as most other half-hour shows) than a stupid StevenBomb with 5 episodes in a single week and then have a long hiatus to have a 5 week air time with one episode per week, only to have it break again for another few months.

The schedule for Steven Universe is a disgrace, it's a train wreck, it's unforgivable and it's tragic how it's been airing. It would not be tolerated with any tv show without the execs pulling the plug, or at least a stern word to put the schedule in order. Why is Steven Universe the only show on television getting away with it?


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