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Net Neutrality - Obama’s attack on the internet is another top down power grab. Net neutrality is the Fairness Doctri...

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>Was curious about what he'd do when he got elected
>Was fine with keeping the illegal immigrants out and trying to clean the US
>Was fine when he wanted to do something about North Korea
>Hears about net neutrality and sees he said it's a false doctrine

deep breath
Look, I like the internet as a whole. This plan is to keep the internet free. Anyone can post anything they want on there. I like it that way, where big companies won't control what I am able to view and not view, based on how much money they want.
What this is doing is turning friggin internet viewing into cable TV. Needing to purchase specific packages from providers, who can charge god knows what since they are the only ones providing it!

…yet…it might come with benefits. If you only use your computer for gaming and browsing the internet, then you could be saving on your internet bill. If they bring down the cost of the entry fee for getting basic internet, then that will work great for us, saving us money in the long run.

Either that or they can pull an EA and decide to fuck us over and put the websites behind a massive entry fee, only to either throttle us to hell or to pay even more to those damn companies.

All I can do is pray that net neutrality stays the same, or they make it so specific packages can be bought from companies so that way households can save money.


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