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March for Our Lives - Who would win? The entire political Left and their agenda or four wordy bois

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Read the 2nd amendment sometime. It doesn't guarantee ALL kinds of guns. You can't just buy helicopter-mounted machine guns. You can't run around waving your gun in people's faces. Some people can't get guns at all: felons, infants. There are some places no one can have guns. There are rules about gun sales. The 2nd amendment is far from ironclad. Furthermore, where the FUCK is there a 'well regulated militia" in this country?

This government is founded on compromise. Sometimes compromise blows, (see the 3/5th compromise) but its a necessary part of the machine. Being adamant when half the country opposes you is not how the system works. You're breeding revenge. Some day these shooter survivors are going to have the majority behind them and you'll fucking WISH you had given an inch 20 years ago.


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