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Cartoon by Adam Zyglis
Uploaded by ThatOtherGuy80 May 30, 2018 at 10:18AM EDT
buffalo news adam zyglis political cartoon nfl nfl anthem policy anthem donald trump
Origin Entry: #TakeAKnee
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Resolution: (1155px x 981px)
File size: 1.19 MB
What I'm hearing from players: Those who weren't planning demonstrations for next season are now back in the conversation, discussing ways to skirt to new rules "just to spite the NFL."
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Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. -MLK #ForeverMood
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“Appropriate respect for flag and anthem” implies that guys were being disrespectful towards it. Which is an opinion. Most people who believe that ignore the responses from the players and more importantly why men chose to protest.
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The new anthem policy states that players "shall stand and show respect for the flag and anthem." Issue with this: it implies that those that kneeled weren't respecting the flag. Furthering the false idea that the protests were about the flag. The protest
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