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YandereDev - Word of the recent in this time. The Word comes out.

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in reply to supernintendo128

YandereDev got shitposted to death because it came out that his code is absolute garbage. I mean for God's sake, the guy stores flag data as strings and uses trees of if/else statements doing string comparisons. This is hallmark terrible code, especially since the game is written in C# which totally supports switch statements and Enums, which would drastically improve the performance of these code blocks. Or, just use a fucking Dictionary structure.

I've worked on actual business applications that use C#; if I showed up to work having written code like this, I'd get laughed out of the room.

Also, the guy's a huge lolcow who spends 95% of his day editing videos about his game, posting comments in threads about his game, and whining about people not sucking his dick enough.
I personally don't involve myself with this game's drama; I don't really care one way or the other. But from everything I have seen it's obvious why the guy is so often criticized.


in reply to profnekko

That's great and all, except he partnered with TinyBuild once, and they put a programmer on the project to help YandereDev with coding. The programmer improved the source code and YandereDev flipped his shit because it was too different from his own buggy spaghetti code. He was given some help from the industry and he flat-out rejected it. He didn't even need the Kickstarter to partner with TinyBuild (who have since backed out of the project due to YandereDev's antics.) This game is never coming out.


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