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>"…Someone who will same the same stuff about GamerGate over and over again…"
This is something that annoys me the most about Wu and those other like-minded Twitter centric morons. Always bringing up GG whenever they spot an opportunity, like some self-made history-buff jackass who keeps whining about one side in a war was somehow objectively better than everyone else, even though they still got their asses kicked.

What's even the point in bringing it up anymore? As far as I'm concerned, GamerGate died off with hardly any noise back in 2015. No one is talking about it, both sides have cooled off, it is not a thing anymore. These people are just making themselves look like a bunch of stuck up idiots who can't find anything else to complain about.

It's 2018. Gamer Gate is done. Get with the goddamn times.


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