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This is kind of giving me Ghostbusters vibes. Propping up a vocal minority as a majority and using it as a means of shooing away any arguments against you and giving yourself a moral high-ground.

What? You say they might be pandering to a specific audience by spotlighting a female character instead of having genuine interest in the issue? Well, that just sounds like the mad ramblings of a neckbearded, basement dwelling permavirgin.

And yes, there are some idiots attacking these people with racist, homophobic, sexist etc. etc. garbage. But you know what? Welcome to the fucking internet. That's what happens in this sort of medium of anonymity.


So they are placing women in a conflict they were not in for "representation" but not in the conflict they were in because you didn't do your homework. For reference:
Russian Night Witches
Grace Hopper
War effort female laborers
any of the auxiliary divisions
searchlight operators

But because that isn't as interesting as front-line combat and they are more concerned with pushing units than teaching history or actually representing women they just shove them in and tell everyone else they are sexist.

though also with how cartoony this game is with realism maybe we are complaining way to hard about this comparatively small thing.


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