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Bill-Stan, Gaijin Supreme
Bill-Stan, Gaijin Supreme

in reply to Winday, Furries Pirate

I’ll just quote one of my previous comments for this:

“4Chan can be horrible sometimes and Tumblr can be good sometimes. Where, on the Internet, can you go to for comfort and support if you've been harassed to the point of near-suicide for being LGBT (or similar)? Tumblr may have ruined many a fandom's reputations and created the whole "SJW" stereotype, but if you need help for bigotry-induced depression, then Tumblr can help…sometimes. Meanwhile, tell 4Chan you want to kill yourself, and you'll get "Go ahead; become an hero", "DO IT FAGGOT", or the classic "Do a flip". I'm surprised they've never caused an actual suicide yet. Now, granted, Tumblr's nearly caused suicides before too, but see my above point about comfort and – when the fuck will 4Chan ever comfort you? They are the sacred birthplace and breeding ground of edge. And before you compare the two sites at their worst and say "At least 4Chan is self-aware", let me tell you – That doesn't make 4Chan better…If anything, it makes them even worse. To know that what you're doing is wrong and keep doing it anyway? That's a fuckton worse than being self-righteous. It amazes me how "At least I admit it" is considered a valid argument. But I guess when you value your right to make edgy jokes that much, then what else can you expect…?”

Juki Nuki
Juki Nuki

The "Inner City of 4chan" has utterly falllen. Only the suburbs remain habitable. /k/, /an/, and sometimes /vg/ are the only places I go to now, because this image is, and perhaps ever will be, infinitely applicable to the media boards (/tv/, /v/, and my home board, /co/, along with many others).

2008 was the beginning of the end, and 2011 was when the diagnosis became terminal. Chanology opened us up to the world as a place to be edgy and wild, and then the world came in and flanderized the idea. Everyone can force their own memes now. Facebook tier "cringe culture" has re-emerged out of the underage hivemind with asterisk actions once laughed at and even banned back in the day for violating GR6. /pol/ has gone from being the occasional retard who posts le happy merchant, to every other poster ready to inform you how every single thing you do or like is "soy" or otherwise connected with super-liberal culture, not on any political merit at all, but simply on the basis of "thing that I don't like." The latter description fits with every single post that expresses any disparity in opinion, which, as the OP has pointed out, isn't pursued with logic, argument, or discourse of any kind, but greentext, a snobby reaction image, and a smattering of buzzwords.

All my bros are dead.
My home is dead.
What do we have left now?


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