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GamerGate - Star Wars Backlash is the new GamerGate

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Chris the Lovable Jerk
Chris the Lovable Jerk

Let's see: awful writing, wasted potential, bland designs, terrible comedy, lack of creativity and imagination, derivative storytelling, bad fight choreography, insulting the lore and what came before, new characters such as a lead who is bland, uninteresting, and a blatant Mary Sue that redefines the term, a character with a ton of potential turned into the black comic relief stereotype, Snoke the random uber darksider out of nowhere who is ultimately so pointless he could've easily been written out of this trilogy with little difference, Ginger Nazi Chew Toy, Rose 'Unsold and Unloved' Tico, Walking Feminist Stereotype who is one of the most unlikable characters the franchise has ever had, Phasma aka literal joke of an antagonist, Maz and DJ the walking plot contrivances who barley anyone remembers and just vanish from the movies.

Not to mention blatant disrespect to beloved icons, with Luke Skywalker being reduced to a cowardly, whiny asshole who did little more than distract the bad guys, say "Sorry not sorry" to Kylo before becoming the "I Guess I'll Die" meme in an embarrassing afterthought of a death, shoving R2 into a corner and throwing a tarp over him (seriously, what an insult), turn Leia into an incompetent leader who makes terrible choices and allows everything to fall apart, turn Lando into a pansexual for your identity politics nonsense, kill Ackbar as an afterthought as well, and essentially render the OT pointless.

Gee, I wonder why people are upset?


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