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Gouf Troop
Gouf Troop

in reply to megasean3000

Honestly, I've been loving part 8 so far. The characters are the most deep and interesting they've ever been, and I find S&W to be a really fun stand. I'm glad Araki has retconned its ability to borrow aspects because it made it way to powerful. Gappy actually uses bubbles in really interesting ways for fights. I'm also fine with having a much smaller story after the crazy epic that was part 7. I mean, after part 3, part 4 also brought the story to a smaller scope and it was great. You don't always need an end of the world scenario for an interesting story. It's also really fun to not know where the story could possibly go. The speculation and theories I've seen about Jobin's and Kaato's true stand powers are always fascinating. May only real gripes with it are some interesting characters will disappear for years at a time and some of the stands' capabilities are poorly defined, ie Paisley Park. But these stands might just be a part of the greater mystery that surrounds part 8. If Jojolion sticks the landing and adds enough closure to a lot of the mystery, it might very well become my second or first favorite part.


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