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Wehraboo - detailed analysys of the different wehraboos

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National Socialism is not fascism and the Knights Templar would have considered the Nazis an abomination because of Hitler's well-known (after the war) goal to destroy and subvert the Church. I mean, if ANYONE thinks any Catholic order or Christian group would condone mass extermination OF CHRISTIANS and other innocents, they have to be lying.

"Deport kebab"/"Islam is cancer"/"expel kebab from Europe" =/= "Round up and exterminate people I don't like" .

Neo-Nazis are the literal worst, and even moreso, they have ruined fascism, German nationalism, German monarchism, German pride, and even being proud of the achievements or culture of white races as a whole!
Why ANY white nationalist would get off to Hitler is beyond me. Hitler is singlehandedly responsible for causing any sort of pride or nationalism amongst a historically white nation, as well as any person of the white race, to be seen as a taboo. Hitler also gassed whites by the millions: Poles, Slavs, and Christian alike. Hitler is the ultimate evil and he should be seen for the monster he is. Culturally, Germans are not allowed to love their country anymore because of him.

How anyone could be so stupid as to not oppose Hitler is truly beyond me.


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