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10087 Views Created 5 years ago By Evilthing • Updated 3 years ago

Created By Evilthing • Updated 3 years ago

WHY THE EPIC STORE IS A BOTNET aka how youve being datamised and yoar into ia being sald soXi Jinping you sne this sity platton SEE THIS S--- RIGHT HERE? IT'S CALLED PROCESS MONITOR ROCE SO WHAT DOES IT SAY THAT THE EPIC GAMES CLIENT IS DOING READING THROUGH YOUR COMPUTER'S CERTIFICATE STORE, FOR STARTERS See all this s--- here? It means f--- you, I'm going to look at the your this. It does it anyway. I MORE FLES OH LOOK, IT'S DOING IT AGAIN, NOW IT'S POKING THROUGH THE ROOT CERTS FROM THE REGISTRY MORE LE Acces WHAT, YOU THINK THAT'S ALL? F--- NO, CHANG HAS MORE IN STORE FOR YOU. HE WANTS TO GOBBLE YOUR DATA LIKE A STRAY DOG ON SATURDAY NIGHT. CHECK THIS S--- OUT So the launcher is poking through the registry, but all Windows programs do, right? That's no big deal, is it? WRONG, D------! Guess what CLSID 06eee834-461c-42c2-8dcf-1502b527b1f9 i 08000834461c-42c2-8dcf-1502b527b11D IT'S F----- G INTERNET EXPLORER Problems with new Internet Explorer 8.0-Forums-CNET 66r WHY IS YOUR GAME CLIENT LOOKING AT YOUR BROWSER'S SETTINGS? is where I found otten started yet. ITS SCRAPING THE NAMES AND PATHS OF OTHER PROCESSES RUNNING ON YOUR COMPUTER Look at this s---, those aro the tools Im using to analyze it This uppity sotware doesn't know its place AND IT'S F------ WITH DLL FILES IN THEIR DIRECTORIES RIGHT F------ 2 THERE Oh yeah, see that s---? Tim Sweeny wants to know where you are. You didn't buy a computer with a you BUT IT'S NOT OVER YET This s--- right here is called Fiddler. I to. That lets it spy on even secure traffic. I found my password in these logs when I first logged in. Fiddler is good. Fiddler is ruthless. dles with your web traffic. It logs the s--- out of everything, and will decrypt SSL if you want it FIDDLER SEEMS TO HAVE FOUND A SHITLOAD OF TRACKING INFO TWO- F------ COUNT THEM TWO DIFFERENT DOMAINS JUST30ITDrs FOR TRACKING WHAT YOU'RE 智2H THE F--- IS THIS A GOOD THING AND BOTH ARE DROPPING TRACKING com/ you'll wish it was PERL by the time you hit the e page OTHER PEOPLE ANALYZING IT ON COMPUTERS THAT AREN'T BAREBONES TEST BOXES HAVE REPORTED THAT IT ALSO LIKES TO LOOK THROUGH YOUR STEAM LIBRARY. ISN'T THAT NICE OF IT, USING ANOTHER PRODUCT TO DATAMINE WHAT GAMES YOU LIKE? F--- THIS BOTNET, MALWARE-RIDDLED PLATFORM ot" me ata F--- EPIC GAMES F--- TENCENT
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Epic Games Store


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