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ProJared Cheating Scandal - I never had any beef with this man, and I don't really care about his personal life. However I would...

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No Khee Khee
No Khee Khee

"In every age the men who want us under their thumb, if they have any sense, will put forward the particular pretension which the hopes and fears of that age render most potent. They 'cash in.'" -C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock


in reply to Mochitachi70

Frankly, I think feminism in the West has run its course. The ways in which women suffer in the West nowadays aren't due to large-scale social norms in such a way that a social movement aimed at helping them would actually do much good. In fact, I would argue that feminism has instead overstepped in these efforts. The ways in which women suffering in the West need help are usually more on a case-by-case basis.

I will also state here that I am completely opposed to the modern redefinition of feminism as being about gender/sexual equality writ-large. This is how feminism has overstepped; not only is that an inappropriate name (and there's already terms for it-gender/sexual egalitarianism), it also requires viewing gender and sexuality through the feminist lens, which has as its core tenet that most societies are structured in such a way to benefit men (or male-presenting individuals) at the expense of women (or female-presenting individuals). This is just not true anymore over here, if it ever was.

There are places that might need feminism as it once was, but I'll admit I'm concerned that it would just become there what it already is here.


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