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i'm not okay to say that gen 6 and 7 were lazy (especially 7).
that's true, there was less pokemons designed in those 2 last generations, and mega evolutions and Z-attacks were more gimmicks than real gameplay changes.
But i'm against rejected all the ideas brought by these games and class them as "start of the fall" just because… actually i don't even know what's the real matter about those games.
Gen 6 and 7 brought a pretty cool map design (Illumis designed around the eponym city and the 4 islands of Alola), Gen 7 had the alolan version, totem pokemons to change from arena battle, skull team, chimera pokemons wich was a pretty good idea to create a post game content.

I'm pissed off about gen 8 too because of the lack of national dex. But even here, the wild zones are a real good idea too refresh the pokemon serie.
Because the real thing is that i'm scared that thinking that gen 1 to 5 were perfect and gen 6, 7 and 8 did nothing good will only make the pokemon serie stagnate.

So please be against bad decisions, not good games with bad decisions.


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