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Reaction Images - I wonder how much money TheyCallHimCake gets in a day from the jar.

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When they condemn a drawing of a fictional character not because it may be out of character, make no sense in context or because it is not "realistic" for the character and setting, but because the character has a large cup measure that actually exists in real life

Nox Lucis
Nox Lucis

Now we need a jar for every time someone dismissively says something is bad because it's "deviantart-style" without even bothering to define what that means or why it is bad.

Seriously, I've seen so many times over the years where someone will say something is bad because it's "like deviantart" in some unnamed capacity, and about things with wildly divergent art styles and overall quality such that there is clearly no agreement on what "deviantart-style" even looks like. It's one of the laziest, emptiest goddamn criticisms I've ever heard. If you think you are qualified to criticize something and you think its art looks bad, actually explain why it is bad in concrete terms and not just resorting to "durrr, look like DA, and DA=bad!".


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