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Pokémon Sword and Shield - Report from a "former employee" who was also the one who did past leaks that have all been correct/true. I'm taking it with a grain of salt but it does explain A LOT if also true.

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from: https://seopaketler.com/are-the-japanese-stubborn/

"Japanese people tend to hate someone who cannot consistently keep their promises. They regard it as losing face. So they try not to accept mistakes so that they do not have to break their promises and lose face. Even if they know they made a mistake, they do not want to accept it because they will lose face by accepting it.

And they try to hide it. Then they try to modify it in a way publicly unknown to save face. This makes the entire process of correction very complicated. In many cases the business decision priority would be shifted from saving business to saving face by hiding the fact that they made a mistake. The end result could be devastating. It is a simple fact that they are not so good at saying 'Oops, we made a mistake. Sorry.'"


IF this is true, it leads to another question: what if they can't fix the importer software by the time the next games roll around? If the software engineers really are that lacking in their skills, we need to admit that's a possibility.


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