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The last panel is a complete list of characters that there was never any good reason to think they had a bigger chance to get in compared to any other character, but Smash's honestly absurd hype culture made thousands of people think so the moment some random forum or 4chan "leaker" got mentioned around too many times, specially by iresponsible Youtubers passing it up as "a good chance of it being true", and people started to take those for granted out of pure wishful thinking, completely forgetting how any of this works. Then, logically, they never happened and that is somehow Nintendo's fault for not living up to expectations they never promised.

If anything, while I am underwhelmed by Byleth's inclusion, I am actually happy that said inclusion means that literally all "leakers" were completely wrong and/or exposed since none of them mentioned a Fire Emblem rep, so maybe now people can shut the fuck up about them and stop pretending they are 90% correct when Banjo has so far been the only lucky guess to be correct, and that could have been predicted by anyone anyway.


Something I noticed is that a lot of the ire against Byleth isn't even due to their favorite character not getting confirmed. People are just getting really sick of Fire Emblem.

The fact that enough people also LIKE Fire Emblem enough so Chrom got added as an Echo Fighter, and even Byleth was on a number of peoples' wishlists, means this is something of an impossible scenario to win.


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