I leave for boot camp tomorrow & decided to jot down my all time favorite PC quote(s) in the front of my address book, to keep me motivated when it inevitably gets tough. | /r/BoJackHorseman
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Feb 24, 2020 at 03:28PM EST
/r/bojackhorseman reddit cartoon television series text handwriting font notebook writing
Origin Entry: BoJack Horseman
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Look what I found! (Picture of “stop pausing and just watch the show” again) | /r/BoJackHorseman
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My Favorite callback in the entire show. Season 5 all the way back to season 2. Absolutely kills me every time. What are your favorite callbacks? | /r/BoJackHorseman
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Last night I got drunk with one of my buddies and gave him my glasses to try on. Inadvertently turned him into Judah. I am very pleased with the resemblance. | /r/BoJackHorseman
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BoJack Horseman - I leave for boot camp tomorrow & decided to jot down my all time favorite PC quote(s) in the front of my address book, to keep me motivated when it inevitably gets tough. | /r/BoJackHorseman
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