Youngest, who is notorious in household for destroying toilets, came into the room exclaiming that the toilet was smoking. This was not beyond the rea...
Uploaded by Matt Mar 25, 2020 at 04:41PM EDT
toilet pranks smoking cigar @popehat
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My 8 year old daughter just yelled “Oh no the toilet is smoking!!” My wife and I ran to the bathroom to find this. It’s just day 4 of home school.
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My daughter FaceTime’s me and says our toilet is smoking! I’m like why the HELL would it be smoking! She then shows me this.
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i just CATAPULTED myself out of bed because my gf said the toilet is smoking. this is what i find in the bathroom.
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Toilet Is Smoking - Youngest, who is notorious in household for destroying toilets, came into the room exclaiming that the toilet was smoking. This was not beyond the rea...
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