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Chris the Lovable Jerk
Chris the Lovable Jerk

Pepe offered his children a small, sad smile. They were not ready for the truth. He didn't want them to stop loving him or fear him.

All those memes that enjoyed popularity over the years, memes that only lasted for a week…he would remember them all. All the gates and controversies, the dumb right wingers, the idiotic left wingers. There were movies, books, comics, manga, anime and cartoons that were works of art, just okay, bad, or pure shit. The trolls, the shills, the tards, the tough guys, the newbs… Many would forget these memes, events and people. But not him. He had made it his own personal duty to remember them all.

He still had nightmares about the meme wars, and feared how history would judge him. Now, however, he was not in the mood to fight. He was just a tired old man, who had done things so that no one else was willing to do because he wanted the fighting to stop. And now that it had, he hoped that the lols to go on bringing happiness forever. But only time would tell how meme history would view him.

So he merely patted his daughter on the head and told her, "I'll tell you when you're both old enough."


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