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Having stat increases and decrease because of character species is racist.

The Tortles: laughs in Armour class
The Dragonborns: laughs in elemental casting
The Tieflings: laughs in pyromancy
The Aarakocra: laughs in flight
The Genasi: laughs in elemental
The Goblins: laughs in night vision

Black Graphic T
Black Graphic T

in reply to Megadog

On the one hand, I can understand as someone who likes mismatched characters myself. But on the other, 5e dnd and 2e PF aren't the hills to die on for that kind of thing. Older editions could certainly have this problem, but newer editions don't really feel nearly as punishing for playing a Orc Wizard or a Elf Barbarian. And the stat penalties are kinda a benefit to some people, who like to see it as a chance to roleplay a character in a more unique way then the SAD stat 20 optimized character.

I feel the orc issue is mostly misplaced, of people looking at multiple editions of content and not seeing them as their own thing. 5th edition dnd for example has a basis for Orc's seeming bloodlust and wanton violence, they are more connected to their god then others, and their god is driving them to it.

". Orcs worship Gruumsh, the mightiest of the orc deities and their creator. The orcs believe that in ancient days, the gods gathered to divide the world among their followers…Each place that Gruumsh wanted had already been claimed. The other gods laughed at Gruumsh, but he responded with a furious bellow. Grasping his mighty spear, he laid waste to the mountains, set the forests aflame, and carved great furrows in the fields. Such was the role of the orcs, he proclaimed, to take and destroy all that the other races would deny them. To this day, the orcs wage an endless war on humans, elves, dwarves, and other folk"


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