Ruki vs Mimi | Virgin vs. Chad | Know Your Meme
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1634 Views Created 4 years ago By DarkMaster1333 • Updated about a year ago

Created By DarkMaster1333 • Updated about a year ago

THE STACY PRINCESS The Becky "Queen" Evolves from being a brat to a kind and understanding girl. More edgy than Matt and Kouji despite is a girl. Evolves from a tomboy lesbian bitch to a less tomboy lesbian bitch. Acts like a girl because she's a girl. Her father doesn't want her. Wants to sing, She goes through a difficult time and already wants to get rid of the digimon and her partner. but is ashamed to admit. Turns back a p------------ throw at her, catching it in the air. She has two of her partners, several digimon and even one of 02 kids eating from the palm of her hand. She has to compete with another girl for the attention of a crybaby. Digimon Queen just because Ryo is absent. Dubbed by the same girl that sings the opening. Her digimon is a boxer cactus/ cute fairy/plant dominatrix. Her digimon is a furry. In the final battle against D-reaper, gives her energy to Ryo and it's usless. Useless but still loable. Becomes the princess of a whole castle. They continue to treating her as such even years later.
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Virgin vs. Chad




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