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in reply to OldClover

-Tech is constantly improving and becoming more efficient and cost-effective.
-Crime rates and unemployment rates at an all-time low.*
-AIDS and Cancer treatments have become extremely effective, to the point where AIDS is barely a death sentence anymore.
-A lot of fucking awesome video games are coming out. The virus hasn't stopped 2020 from being an amazing year for gaming.
-The virus is far less deadly than initially believed with reports of 80 to 90 percent of cases being asymptomatic.
-States and countries are opening up with no spike in confirmed COVID-19 cases (minor rise in positive cases, but no spikes).
-Riots have been quelled and the number of peaceful protests exceeds them by far. Protesters have even taken it upon themselves to tackle would-be-rioters.

*Unemployment levels rose, and the economy dipped, following the virus lockdown, but that is an artificial dip that is steadily being mended; this month alone, millions of people have gotten back to work.

If you're sad or angry at the state of the world for longer than you should be it's because a higher power wants you to feel that way, so you're emotionally vulnerably and susceptible to propaganda. Do not let that power win.


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