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Ten Shadows
Ten Shadows

in reply to adosta

You can make a horror game, and make the players uncomfortable for what they're doing. It's a perfectly valid approach. Spec Ops pulled it off fine.

Just that in this instance it really feels like they're rubbing it in all too much and have absolutely no idea what subtlety is. They're not making any sort of a point with it: Spec Ops was satirizing modern military shooters, but what's TLoU2 telling us? That all people are garbage when the chips are down? Many decades of zombie stories have already told as much.

Finally, Spec Ops is trying to upset the player character, while TLoU2 seems more focused on the player. It's the sort of pseudo-fourth-wall-breakage that does not seem to fit in with the rest of the game's themes.

If you're looking for a game to compare The Last Of Us 2 to, it's not Spec Ops The Line. It's a 1996 adventure game called Harvester. Look it up, and you may see what I mean.


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