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Square Memester
Square Memester

I actually enjoy watching the Rocko special. And I can confirm that it's not woke.

It does make sense on Ralph's gender change to Rachel, because Ralph is a frog, and frogs have the ability to change genders. And as always, Joe Murray's Rocko Modern Life show is always about modern life.


in reply to Square Memester

It makes sense with the general theme of "change" the special has. And it's all about Modern Modern Life and transexuals are part of that.

I do think it's kind of weird they'd do it for Ralph of all characters though. Seeing as he was a surrogate for the show staff, Joe Murray especially. While his unhappiness was shown to be because of his relationship with his parents and the lack of passion and fulfillment he got from his creations, instead of being "not himself".

But I guess fitting into the "change" theme can work doubly so for it too. As it can show how people, more specifically the creators of the show, can and will change over time. Be it in how they view things or how their creations turn out. Shown with how Rachel's show changed along with her.


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