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Soyjaks vs. Chads - You have heard of verbose leftist memes, now get ready for verbose CENTRIST memes.

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El Lugubre
El Lugubre

Speaking for Argentina: Not quite. It is less "Let's teach the future generations to not fall for the same tricks" and more "We teach the next generations that there is no point" all while still acting like a watered version of the USA example.
Maybe other countries have it better but the two party system is a scourge on democracy


I got this perspective after a COVID-related conversation with my brother, and how it is not political whatsoever on our side of the world. He currently lives in Mexico, and the president there is more or less equally as incompetent about it as Trump is… but there are no common people trying to justify it, he told me. No anti-mask groups, no conspiracy theories, nothing – just people disgruntled at a government generally agreed upon to be a disaster.

It is not any different where I live either, and so I came to this realization that goes beyond just COVID-related stuff. Even topics seen as exclusively partisan stuff on the West like abortion, climate change, immigration, etc., are defined less by politics and more by cultural habits, religion or simply age groups, making opinions about them a coin toss from person to person not influenced by geographic location or whoever the current president is.

So yes, long story short: a long history of political corruption has actually made us more united against it instead of flinging shit at ourselves for it… though exceptions do happen from time to time.


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