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Be Like Bob and Sally - This is being circulated in the polarised atmosphere of primaries in Iowa. We could do with this spirit too, right?

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in reply to King DJ

Didn't vote for Trump, I'm not even an American and I wouldn't vote for him if I could either. I'm a dirty french leftist, if you think Bernie is far left, he is at best a moderate in our referential.

But after 4 years of hearing nothing but how the very orange man is very bad, the dude could be eating baby seals for breakfast I wouldn't give a fuck anymore. It's tiring, it's desperate, and to be frank, from an external point of view, many of these things are just also false. The guy is a dumbass but he is not the literal devil incarnate and he has done good things too.

Americans are at each others throat, the left and the right hate each other to the point where it's unhealthy. The point of that image is just to say "hey, remember that the other guy is human too", not an excuse to jump back into the fight at the slightest occasion. Chill the fuck down is what I mean.

Rene LeMarchand
Rene LeMarchand

It is difficult to meet halfway any group that has decided that you don't deserve rights: to be wed, to not be murdered, and soforth. That you are somehow less than human. I'll talk fiscal conservatism or corporate oversight with anyone, but the stance that some people aren't people makes true dialogue impossible.


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