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Freakenstein Moderator

For anybody downvoting an official federal declaration of transition: you have plenty of time to understand how the Democratic party is literally working for you. For four years you have been led to believe that the Trump administration was working for your interests, when they were working for theirs [read: political favors to our rivals, major tax breaks and checks to the ultra rich who fight every day to make sure you get as little as possible, over one-hundred golf trips to his estates under your and my tax dollars while the nation suffers]. The Biden administration will work for YOU, especially if you are poor and middle class. Do you make less than 400 thousand dollars a year like I and so many of your friends and relatives do? Then under the Biden tax plan, your taxes will not change--in other words, your tax burden will decrease. This is literally a good thing for you, your friends, your family, anybody you care for. It gives you, the taxpayer, more financial freedom and less fear of how you will survive.

Like, it shouldn't be Democrats versus Republicans: it should be Workers (you and me) versus Plutocrats (ultra rich megadonors who decide to use their vast wealth to influence elections and laws). If you look at it through this perspective, you and I are on the same side.


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