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Freakenstein Moderator

Low economic prospects of the heartland is a definite problem, but let's not pretend "de-industrialize" is a term, or that the Democrats are somehow responsible for Rural America not putting out as much income as big cities. The origin of this problem starts with Nixon and Reagan, for the silly idea that if we raise the tax burden on workers while lowering the tax burden on the rich and dropping the taxes on assets held by giant corporations, they will somehow return the windfalls back to their employees and not instead hide the money in tax-free havens. What is the name of this stupid idea? "Trickle-down theory". What is the result of this stupid idea? Devastatingly-high income inequality, the likes of which aren't seen in our more civilized neighbors in Europe.

We had the ability to fight this income inequality, but the Citizens United Act allowed for corporations to be people, so guess that's down the toilet. Rich get richer, poor get poorer. Take a look at who voted for this act and who gave out the fat stacks of cash for those who approved of it.

Freakenstein Moderator

in reply to Freakenstein

21st century industry and employment requires Internet, and rural counties have the worst internet in the country. There is little industrial prosperity in these areas because there's little incentive. You can't get business in the rural areas if there's no 21st century technology to even compete with the rest of the state there.

We have the ability to mandate standardized internet statewide, but here comes the mega corporations to stamp out that idea again. Comcast, AT&T does not want that to happen. They lobby the senators and representatives to make sure rural counties stay primitive, to make sure rural inhabitants stay disenfranchised.

It is mostly not the Democrats' fault.


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