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Monster Girls - Of course the Jabberwock is still a youthful girl, an eternal 17 year old, this costume she bought p...

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in reply to Soup King

No, just Alcohol and Pornography.

31 States have an AOC of 16 and 6 states have their's at 17. Only 13 states have an Age Of Consent of 18.

The main reason everyone thinks it's 18 universally is because California has Hollywood and that's where most of the U.S.'s big-name mainstream media is made, so stuff usually reflects their laws. Also, pornography is regulated at the federal level and the minimum age there is 18, so it's not like anything can really legally depict 16 and 17 year olds in a manner that would show them as legally capable of participating in sex.

TL;DR: In 37 out of 50 states you can have sex with her all you want but you can't give her an Alcoholic beverage or share nudes.

Soup King
Soup King

in reply to Quiet_boi

But wouldn't that mean she's permanently underaged in most American states for both sex and alcohol?

I wouldn't know, you're legally an adult in the UK from the age of 16 and the only thing we can't do is drive a car. We have to wait till we're 17 for that.

You can have a moped though, but fuck using one of those things in a hilly area or an A-road. God damn deathtrap.


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