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Baby Yoda / Grogu - At this point it is more likely that Disney will retcon their Star Wars sequel trilogy movies out of...

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Chris the Lovable Jerk
Chris the Lovable Jerk

in reply to Icecane

The sequel trilogy is constantly retconning itself and the entire saga.

Luke left a map in case he was ever needed again. On second thought, no, he ran away a cowardly bastard who refused to take responsibility and do anything about what his actions caused.

Finn can't fly ships and needed Poe to escape. Wait, he can fly ships.

Kylo Ren killed all of Luke's students and the few who remained joined him. Wait, no, he didn't kill anyone, all that damage done to the temple and those scattered bodies we saw were killed by a random bolt of lightning.

Leia can't use the force and actually turned down Luke's offer to train her. Oh wait, yes she can and he did train her.

Rey's a nobody. Wait, she's Palpatine's granddaughter.

These movies can't make up their fucking minds. It's be easier to just declare them a different timeline than keep them in continuity.


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