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Lola Bunny Redesign - lola bunny reads a book and stops being a bimbo (Stacy to Becky)

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I know it's a meme parody but…

  • >Implying having large breasts and wide hips makes you a bimbo.

Honestly, what's with the Mainstream Media and this sort of stuff? A guy with a large dick? "Top of the world! Lucky man!" A woman with large breasts, real or fake? "Ew, literally a stripper! What a slut!"

Like, Jesus Christ, the sex-negativity certain vocal types are obsessed with is absolutely nonsensical. How is it any different from Racism? They're literally discriminating against people based on benign anatomical characteristic that are entirely out of their control!

Now, I'm not trying to derail or argue or anything, I just couldn't think of anywhere better to put this.


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