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Shadow of the Void
Shadow of the Void

There's a reason I'm completely against any sort of private money being introduced, directly or indirectly, into the political process, and why I think that we should move completely towards a system of public funding for election campaigns and put strict limits on lobbying.

While the First Amendment does enumerate the rights to freedom of speech and "to petition the Government for a redress of grievances," I do not believe that includes the right of private citizens to provide material assistance of any kind to politicians or political candidates. You can write a letter to your Congressperson. You can buy your own personal billboard. But you should be able to provide literally nothing to the candidate, either when they're running for office or when they're holding office. No money, no gifts, no favors. You use your words and nothing else. Absolutely. Nothing.

Private donations and other favors are inherently corrupting, regardless of their current legality. They come with an implicit quid pro quo attached to them. "I do this for you, and you pass laws that benefit our agenda and/or bottom line." It's an investment, and the donor wants a return on that investment. There's a reason why it seems politicians owe more loyalty towards the corporations, special interests, and other powerful private entities than to the people at large. Because they do. They will always put the needs of their biggest donors ahead of those of the rest of their constituents.


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