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Vinesauce - Twitter banner in solidarity for Vinny.

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in reply to Lord DIO

There's a doc circulating that was accusing Vinny of being manipulative and knowingly giving an STD to a women he dated supposedly but after people delving into the situation and Vinny's own response the accusation is found to be flimsy and paints Vinny in an extremely bad light that falsely represents him. Vinny is currently talking lawyers about possibly taking legal action.


in reply to MIMU

Unlikely. Danny's statement implied that the stories were at least partially true and the people who started the accusations were real people, the gist being that the accusation itself was lame and exaggerated to make it sound like a crime it never was. Meanwhile, Vinny's case not only is not even trying to hide the fact that it is not about a sexual crime, but also, Vinny's statement would imply that these people may as well not even be anyone he had any actual contact with in the first place. Also, Danny's video is undeniable real – that is him talking on the video, for sure. On the other hand, Vinny's video is a heavily spliced mess with sketchy reasoning given for it.

For all intents and purposes, whoever is accusing Vinny is not the same who accused Danny – the latter were just frustrated groupies, whereas the former we have yet to know who they even are.


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