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Happyroadkill - Lets see those tricksy voter fraudsters that totally exist vote now!

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in reply to dexodarap

…. Dude, voter fraud isn't a problem. Like at all. There have been a few thousand confirmed cases in the history of the entire united states. What possible reason is there to make it a requirement now other than democrats having managed to wrestle georgia and arizona from the republicans cold hands.

The number of cases of fraud that voter id would theoretically prevent is massively less than the amount of people it would stop from voting. If .02% of the population of georgia gets stopped from voting legaly because of the voter id law that's 100 times the confirmed cases of voter fraud in the US's history.

pinkiespy - goat spy
pinkiespy - goat spy

in reply to VeteranAdventureHobo

Additionally each round of new requirements has been met with a reduction of services that are blatantly targeted. We're talking closing DMVs in effected areas, the polling place shuffle, and in one case the voting ID you needed to get without a driver's license being only available at a facility open half-days only on 5th fridays of the month.

Anyone who says "But anyone can get an ID" is being facetious.


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