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Helltaker - The price for pride is very steep, and very unforgiving

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Soup King
Soup King

in reply to Icecane

Hey Strangah, oi've got somthin' that moight intr'est yah!

Oi've got a foine collection of synonyms on sale.

Oi 'ave the evah populah 'Distressed', on sale for a great bargain of 200 pesos.

Seein' as you are a gentleman of foine tastes, perhaps you are lookin' for the more traditional 'Flabbergasted'?

It can be yours for the absolute steal of 650 pesos, Strangah!

But, perhaps, oi got you all wrong, Strangah?

Perhaps you are a Modern Man, with Modern Tastes?

In that case, may oi proudly present t' you a synonym comin' hot offa the press, Strangah!

The 'Big Sad'! Now cos oi like you so much, Strangah, oi'm willin' t' give this to you for only 1200 pesos.

Oi'm really cuttin' me own throat sellin' it t' you at that price, Strangah!

So, what's it goin' t' be, Strangah?"


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