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Realizing that a shitty Portal movie means Chell is going to talk.

Realizing that Chell talking in a shitty Portal movie means it'll be garbage references and cringy one-liners.

Oh, God! Fuck! No! NO!

Aw man… And y'know what's worse? It'd be such a wasted opportunity to get an actress that's actually good at her job, one that can go toe to toe with an evil and demeaning robot-lady without saying a word. Really sell the performance with body language and facial expressions… Instead we'll get this.


in reply to PankekMx

>they'll make her whole personality "gay"

No they won't. They will actively market it as such for western audiences, but any actual references to anyone being gay will be done in a three-second clip in such a way as to make it easy to cut out or re-dub in foreign markets.


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